Highlights from Our Recent Brand Academy NIL Summit

Image Courtesy of Penn State Athletics

NIL Educational Summit Success

This week, our Educational Summit provided an invaluable platform for students and student-athletes to enhance their skills and network with industry leaders. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Financial Competency: Attendees gained essential financial management skills from the Sokolov-Miller Financial Center, setting the stage for a secure financial future.

  • Social Media Wellness: LifeBrand offered practical advice on maintaining a positive and impactful social media presence, crucial for building a personal brand.

  • Legal and Licensing: The Penn State Office of General Counsel and Strategic Communications provided comprehensive insights into legal and licensing matters, ensuring attendees are well-informed and prepared.

And let’s not forget our partners over @Elfcosmetics for sponsoring our Beauty station making all of our Students camera ready!

Brand Building Strategy: Disrupt U PSU shared innovative strategies for creating and amplifying your personal brand, helping attendees stand out in their respective fields.


PREVIEW: PSU V.S. Bowling Green


Recap: PSU V.S. West Virginia